
Peer-reviewed journal articles


[X] A. Fellman, J. Byggmästar, F. Granberg, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, Radiation damage and phase stability of AlxCrCuFeNiy alloys using a machine-learned interatomic potential,

[X] J. Byggmästar, V-M. Yli-Suutala, A. Fellman, J. Åström, J. Westerholm, F. Granberg, Four regimes of primary radiation damage in tungsten,

[X] J. Byggmästar, D. Sobieraj, J. S. Wróbel, D. T. Schreiber, O. El-Atwani, E. Martinez, D. Nguyen-Manh, Segregation, ordering, and precipitation in refractory alloys,

[X] A. Wadowski, A. D.S. Parmar, J. Byggmästar, J. S. Wróbel, M. J. Alava, S. Bonfanti, Efficient training of machine learning potentials for metallic glasses: CuZrAl validation,

[X] M. Nahavandian, E. Aydogan, J. Byggmästar, M. A. Tunes, E. Martinez, O. El-Atwani, Design Kinetic Parameters for Improved Resilience of Materials under Irradiation,

[X] J. Liu, J. Byggmästar, Z. Fan, B. Bai, P. Qian, Y. Su, Utilizing a machine-learned potential to explore enhanced radiation tolerance in the MoNbTaVW high-entropy alloy, submitted,

[X] A. Litnovksy, F. Granberg, J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, Sputtering of single crystal rhodium with low energy ions, submitted.

[X] A. Fellman, J. Byggmästar, F. Granberg, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, Fast and accurate machine-learned interatomic potentials for large-scale simulations of Cu, Al and Ni, submitted

[X] J. Zhang, J. Zhao, J. Byggmästar, E.J. Frankberg, A. Kuronen, Large-scale atomistic study of plasticity in amorphous gallium oxide with ab-initio accuracy, Scientific Reports (2025),

[49] M.A. Tunes, D. Parkison, B. Sun, P. Willenshofer, S. Samberger, C. Fruhwirth, S. Tripathi, B.K. Derby, J.K.S. Baldwin, S.J. Fensin, D. Sobieraj, J.S. Wróbel, J. Byggmästar, S. Pogatscher, E. Martinez, D. Nguyen-Manh, O. El-Atwani, High Radiation Resistance in the Binary W-Ta System Through Small V Additions: A New Paradigm for Nuclear Fusion Materials, Advanced Science (2025),,

[48] D. Kalita, A. Esfandiarpour, I. Jóźwik, Y. Zhang, J. Byggmästar, M. J. Alava, Ł. Kurpaska, W. J. Weber, P. D. Rack, J. Jagielski High temperature He bubble evolution and thermal stability of the WTaCrV refractory concentrated solid solution alloy, Materials & Design, 252, 113751 (2025),

[47] X. An, E. Lu, I. Makkonen, G. Wei, J. Byggmästar, J. Zhu, K. Mizohata, Z. Chen, F. Djurabekova, W. Hu, H. Deng, T. Yang, F. Tuomisto Enhanced migration of mono-vacancies in AlxFeCoCrNi high entropy alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1010, 177704 (2025),


[46] J. Byggmästar, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, Threshold displacement energies in refractory high-entropy alloys, Physical Review Materials, 8 115406 (2024),

[45] M. Yan, J. Zhao, J. Byggmästar, F. Djurabekova, Z. Xu, A Radial Distribution Function Based Recognition Algorithm of Point Defects in Large-Scale β-Ga2O3 Systems, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15, 42, 10677-10685 (2024)

[44] R. He, J. Zhao, J. Byggmästar, H. He, F. Djurabekova, Ultra high stability of oxygen sublattice in β-Ga2O3, Physical Review Materials, 8 084601 (2024),

[43] A. Bruncrona, J. Wu, X. Jin, J. Byggmästar, F. Granberg, Understanding the RBS/c spectra of irradiated tungsten: A computational study, Computational Materials Science, 244, 113241 (2024)

[42] H. He, J. Zhao, J. Byggmästar, R. He, K. Nordlund, C. He, F. Djurabekova, Threshold displacement energy map of Frenkel pair generation in from machine-learning-driven molecular dynamics simulations, Acta Materialia, 120087 (2024),

[41] G.Y. Wei, J. Byggmästar, J. Cui, K. Nordlund, J. Ren, F. Djurabekova, Revealing the critical role of vanadium in radiation damage of tungsten-based alloys, Acta Materialia, 119991 (2024),

[40] A. Liski, T. Vuoriheimo, J. Byggmästar, K. Mizohata, K. Heinola, T. Ahlgren, K-K. Tseng, T-E. Shen, C-W. Tsai, J-W. Yeh, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, F. Tuomisto, Solubility of hydrogen in WMoTaNbV high-entropy alloy, Materials, 17 (11) 2574

[39] Y. Luo, J Byggmästar, M.R. Daymond, L.K. Béland, Interatomic force fields for zirconium based on the embedded atom method and the tabulated Gaussian Approximation Potential, Computational Materials Science, 233, 112730 (2024)


[38] J. Zhao, J. Byggmästar, H. He, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, M. Hua, Complex Ga2O3 Polymorphs Explored by Accurate and General-Purpose Machine-Learning Interatomic Potentials, npj Computational Materials, 9, 159 (2023),

[37] K. Mulewska, F.J. Dominguez-Gutierrez, D. Kalita, J. Byggmästar, G.Y. Wei, W. Chromiński, S. Papanikolaou, M.J. Alava, Ł. Kurpaska, J. Jagielski, Self–ion irradiation of high purity iron: Unveiling plasticity mechanisms through nanoindentation experiments and large-scale atomistic simulations, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 586, 154690 (2023),

[36] J. Liu, J. Byggmästar, Z. Fan, P. Qian, Y. Su, Large-scale machine-learning molecular dynamics simulation of primary radiation damage in tungsten, Physical Review B, 108, 054312 (2023)

[35] G.Y. Wei, J. Byggmästar, J. Cui, K. Nordlund, J. Ren, F. Djurabekova, Effects of lattice and mass mismatch on primary radiation damage in W-Ta and W-Mo binary alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 583, 154534 (2023)

[34] F. J. Domínguez-Gutiérrez, P. Grigorev, A. Naghdi, J. Byggmästar, G. Y. Wei, T. D. Swinburne, S. Papanikolaou, M. J. Alava, Nanoindentation of tungsten: From interatomic potentials to dislocation plasticity mechanisms, Physical Review Materials, 7, 043603 (2023)

[33] R. Abram, D. Chrobak, J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, R. Nowak, Comprehensive structural changes in nanoscale-deformed silicon modelled with an integrated atomic potential, Materialia, 101761 (2023)

[32] M. Koskenniemi, J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, Efficient atomistic simulations of radiation damage in W and W-Mo using machine-learning potentials, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 577, 154325 (2023),,

[31] F. Granberg, D. R. Mason, J. Byggmästar, Effect of simulation technique on the high-dose damage in tungsten, Computational Materials Science, 217, 111902 (2023),


[30] S. Sassi, M. Heikinheimo, K. Tuominen, A. Kuronen, J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, N. Mirabolfathi, Energy loss in low energy nuclear recoils in dark matter detector materials, Physical Review D, 106, 063012 (2022),,

[29] J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, and F. Djurabekova, Simple machine-learned interatomic potentials for complex alloys, Physical Review Materials, 6, 083801 (2022),,

[28] E. A. Hodille, J. Byggmästar, Y. Ferro, and K. Nordlund, Molecular dynamics study of hydrogen isotopes at the Be/BeO interface, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34 405001 (2022),

[27] J. Byggmästar, G. Nikoulis, A. Fellman, F. Granberg, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, Multiscale machine-learning interatomic potentials for ferromagnetic and liquid iron, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34 305402 (2022),,

[26] A. Esfandiarpour, J. Byggmästar, J. P. Balbuena, M. J. Caturla, K. Nordlund, F. Granberg, Effect of cascade overlap and C15 clusters on the damage evolution in Fe: An OKMC study, Materialia 21 101344 (2022),


[25] A. Hamedani, J. Byggmästar, F. Djurabekova, G. Alahyarizadeh, R. Ghaderi, A. Minuchehr, and K. Nordlund, Primary radiation damage in silicon from the viewpoint of a machine learning interatomic potential, Physical Review Materials 5, 114603 (2021),

[24] J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, and F. Djurabekova, Modelling refractory high-entropy alloys with machine-learned interatomic potentials: Defects and segregation, Physical Review B, 104, 104101 (2021),,

[23] J. Zhao, J. Byggmästar, Z. Zhang, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, M. Hua, Phase transition of two-dimensional ferroelectric and paraelectric Ga2O3 monolayers: A density functional theory and machine learning study, Physical Review B, 104, 054107 (2021),,

[22] F. Granberg, J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, Molecular dynamics simulations of high-dose damage production and defect evolution in tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 556, 153158 (2021),

[21] G. Nikoulis, J Byggmästar, J. Kioseoglou, K. Nordlund, and F. Djurabekova, Machine-learning interatomic potential for W-Mo alloys, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33, 315403 (2021),

[20] F. J. Domínguez-Gutiérrez, J Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, and U. von Toussaint, Computational study of crystal defects formation in Mo by machine learned molecular dynamics simulations, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. (2021),,

[19] F. Granberg and J. Byggmästar, Effect of interatomic potential on the sputtering of Pd surfaces, Computational Materials Science, 110134 (2021),


[18] J. Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, and F. Djurabekova, Gaussian approximation potentials for body-centered-cubic transition metals, Physical Review Materials, 4, 093802 (2020),,

[17] A. Hamedani. J. Byggmästar, F. Djurabekova, G. Alahyarizadeh, R. Ghaderi, A. Minuchehr, and K. Nordlund, Insights into the primary radiation damage of silicon by a machine learning interatomic potential, Materials Research Letters, 8, 10, 364-372 (2020),

[16] E. A. Hodille, J. Byggmästar, E. Safi, and K. Nordlund, Sputtering of beryllium oxide by deuterium at various temperatures simulated with molecular dynamics, Physica Scripta, 2020, 014024 (2020),

[15] F. J. Domínguez-Gutiérrez, J Byggmästar, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, and U. von Toussaint, On the classification and quantification of crystal defects after energetic bombardment by machine learned molecular dynamics simulations, Nuclear Materials and Energy, 22, 100724 (2020),,

[14] J. Byggmästar and F. Granberg, Dynamical stability of radiation-induced C15 clusters in iron, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 528, 151893 (2020) ,,

[13] F. Granberg, J. Byggmästar, and K. Nordlund, Defect accumulation and evolution during prolonged irradiation of Fe and FeCr alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 528, 151843 (2020),


[12] J. Byggmästar, A. Hamedani, K. Nordlund, and F. Djurabekova, Machine-learning interatomic potential for radiation damage and defects in tungsten, Physical Review B, 100, 144105 (2019),,

[11] A. Fellman, A. E. Sand, J. Byggmästar, and K. Nordlund, Radiation damage in tungsten from cascade overlap with voids and vacancy clusters, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 405402 (2019),

[10] F. Granberg, J. Byggmästar, and K. Nordlund, Cascade overlap with vacancy-type defects in Fe, The European Physical Journal B, 92, 146 (2019),

[9] J. Byggmästar, F. Granberg, A. E. Sand, A. Pirttikoski, R. Alexander, M-C. Marinica, and K. Nordlund, Collision cascades overlapping with self-interstitial defect clusters in Fe and W, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 245402 (2019),

[8] J. Byggmästar, M. Nagel, K. Albe, K. O. E. Henriksson, and K. Nordlund, Analytical interatomic bond-order potential for simulations of oxygen defects in iron, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 215401 (2019),

[7] E. A. Hodille, J. Byggmästar, E. Safi, and K. Nordlund, Molecular dynamics simulation of beryllium oxide irradiated by deuterium ions: sputtering and reflection, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 31, 185001 (2019),


[6] A. E. Sand, J. Byggmästar, A. Zitting, and K. Nordlund, Defect structures and statistics in overlapping cascade damage in fusion-relevant bcc metals, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 511, 64-74 (2018),

[5] J. Byggmästar, F. Granberg, and K. Nordlund, Effects of the short-range repulsive potential on cascade damage in iron, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 508, 530-539 (2018),

[4] J. Byggmästar, E. A. Hodille, Y. Ferro, and K. Nordlund, Analytical bond order potential for simulations of BeO 1D and 2D nanostructures and plasma-surface interactions, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 30, 135001 (2018),


[3] F. Granberg, J. Byggmästar, A. E. Sand, and K. Nordlund, Cascade debris overlap mechanism of <100> dislocation loop formation in Fe and FeCr, Europhysics Letters, 119, 56003 (2017),

[2] J. Byggmästar, F. Granberg, and K. Nordlund, Molecular dynamics simulations of thermally activated edge dislocation unpinning from voids in alpha-Fe, Physical Review Materials, 1, 053603 (2017),


[1] J. Byggmästar, F. Granberg, A. Kuronen, K. Nordlund, and K. O. E. Henriksson, Tensile testing of Fe and FeCr nanowires using molecular dynamics simulations, Journal of Applied Physics, 117, 014313 (2015),

Academic theses

PhD thesis: Analytical and machine-learning interatomic potentials for radiation damage in fusion reactor materials (2020)

MSc thesis: Development of interatomic potentials in the Tersoff-Albe formalism for metal compounds (2016)

BSc thesis: Uttöjning av Fe- och FeCr-nanotrådar (2015)
